An Exceptional Single Mum Passes

Susan_Jeffers.JPGAnother Exceptional Single Mum Passes

 Susan Jeffers Ph.D, the author of the worldwide success “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” was a woman to respect. Her life journey, not just her book, was inspirational: from married to single to married again, from unpublished and rejected to published and phenomenally successful. Every woman, whether single or married, has a lot to gain from Susan, but it is we single mums who have the most to learn by how she lived her life.

 After 16 years of marriage, she and her husband went their separate ways. For ten years she was a single mother, but her attitude towards those years was inspiring.

My life as a single woman was intensely gratifying and exciting. What an adventure! I certainly learned a lot about feeling the fear and doing it anyway! It was also during those ten years that I began my journey to self-discovery that was to make me a happier and more loving person.”

During this alone time, Susan suffered breast cancer. But with an attitude that propelled her forward in so many difficult situations, she survived. Susan faced her fears, she won and almost as her reward, fell in love with a wonderful man, remarried  and stayed with him for 27 years, until her recent passing. In her own words and attitude, “most importantly, he was loving, kind, giving, and cute...and he dearly loved this woman...even though she only had one breast as a result of a mastectomy. (Truly, women out there, those breasts aren't really that important!)”

As a single mother, Susan Jeffers challenged herself and started writing self help books. Her career took a long time to take off and many rejections later, Feel the Fear was picked up, a book that is iconic among self help books. Millions of people have moved forward with their lives as a result of her insights and attitude to life and as a result of her time as a single mother.

 Susan’s approach is simple: fear exists and we need to face it. Once you disable your fear, you can live your life anyway you desire. She teaches us that no matter what your anxieties are, no matter your situation, you can move forward. Remember, you are a Mother Moving Forward. Clearly, so was Susan.

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