Maximise with Storage

maximising_space.pngMaximise with Storage

Rather than hiding things in boxes under the bed or in cupboards, why not use quirky spaces around your home to showcase spare books or knick-knacks. Small wall spaces around doors are perfect for putting up some small shelves and lining your walls with books. Under stairs is also great for putting a small book case or table and highlighting a vase or photos. Small spaces in your bedroom or lounge may be perfect for a tiny table, small dresser or chair.

Here are a few more tips to expand your space:

  • Use storage trolleys to maximize space in your bathroom or cupboards. Tall, thin ones with multiple drawers work best in tight spaces.
  • If some things must go into boxes, then buy stackable ones and clearly mark on the outside what lies within.
  • Above the toilet is great space for shelving towels or toiletries.
  • Bathroom cabinets can end up holding a lot more, in a far more ordered fashion, simply by buying stationery trays from any $2 shop. Colour code them for makeup, medicine and creams.

You don’t have to be traditional when it comes to using up space in your home, just creative!

Tags: Organising Your Home

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