Let The Past Be The Past

Sign_pastfuture.jpgLet The Past Be The Past

Forget the past; focus on your today

After a breakup, even years later, we all know it's easy to end up in an argument with your ex.  But that argument ultimately serves no one; not you, not your ex and especially not your children. Playing the blame game, pointing the finger or rehashing old issues and injuries just keeps the hurt and anger alive. And what you want to do is let that hurt and anger go!

Even if you have been able to do that, your ex may not have. He may be the one who keeps rehashing past situations. The most important thing is to come to a place of understanding in yourself so that you can live today without these negative emotions and be able to move forward with your life with a fresher, more positive attitude.

The best way to do this is to stop focusing on the past and focus on what it is that you want in your life today. If your ex continues to focus on the past and insists on reminding you of past situations, gently remind him that it’s all in the past and you want to focus on making things better today, for the sake of your children.

But ultimately, even if he's not prepared to let go of the past, you can. Don't engage in conversations about the past. Keep your conversations about how to make your  today and tomorrow a better life.

Tags: Dealing With Your Ex

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