Say It in an Email


Say It in An Email

Instead of talking, send him an email.

Trying to negotiate something with your ex? Child payments, weekend care, holidays?

Write it down in “Man talk”. In other words, keep it short! Men don’t like lots of information; they prefer you just get to the point.

So the best way to do this is to write an email and put your concerns or issues into bullet point. Make sure you keep the email factual and take any emotion out of it. Stick to the point.

At the end, make it clear what decision is required and always ensure it is polite. Ear bashing him or calling him names will only get his back up. Remember, what you want is a solution, not a fight.

Before you send it off, sit with it for a day and re-read it when you are calm. Having time to reflect is a good thing.

Tags: Dealing With Your Ex

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