Chocolate Box Christmas
I love Christmas. It’s the only time of year I can eat chocolate and not feel guilty. The advent calendars are out in full force, the chocolate tree decorations are on display, Lindt reindeers and teddy bears jingle with bells on their necks. Who I am to deny them of their rightful place in my belly?
Of course I buy chocolate with the intention of giving it all away. I buy for my child and my neighbour’s kids. I buy chocolate trays for friends and people I just want to thank. But this is the time of year when I can buy an extra piece of this melting rich delicacy, slip it into my shopping basket and thank myself. Why not hey? Don’t we all deserve a piece of decadence every now and then?
As I talk to you, I’m sitting in my favourite café devouring decadence; hot, homemade doughnuts with a warm, oozing, chocolate dipping sauce. If I were to eat them year round, I’d be as round as the doughnuts I love. But in December, it seems perfectly fitting to treat myself and I do so guilt free. Christmas is the time of giving, so I like to give a little to myself as well.
I believe New Year’s resolutions are, in part, a response to the over consumption of great food during Christmas, including chocolate. So in the spirit of Christmas, I’ve started writing my New Year’s resolutions while wiping the chocolate dipping sauce from my chin. Every dollop is another resolution which I won’t follow up. It’s not that I’m not committed. It’s just I don’t really do NYE resolutions. I just like to get my thoughts down on paper and weed out the real ones from the fakes. Fake No. 1: I’ll join a gym. Real No. 1: I’ll never join a gym again! I did once and wasted good chocolate money on it. I’d rather go dancing or walking instead. I like writing my fake resolution list. It gets me to work out my real list. But I’d rather call them my New Year’s dreams than my resolutions. That last word sounds so…resolute.
So instead I’ll create my dreams list; much lighter and more fun to chase. And when at home tonight, I close my eyes and continue to dream my dreams, it won’t be in colour or black and white, but in gorgeous shades of oozy, decadent brown. May your New Year’s Dreams be just as wonderful.
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