Open Your Own Doors

Open_Your_Own_Doors.jpgOpen Your Own Doors

Do you find yourself saying ‘I can’t afford that; I can’t do that; my life is a mess; I hate my job’? You get the idea…

If you want your life to change then you have to shift the way you think. Einstein once said ‘If you do more of the same, you’ll get more of the same.’ He was and is right.

Letting go of negative thought patterns may seem like hard work. We are so used to our own patterns of thinking and behaviour, that any change is a steep climb.  So we just keep doing more of the same and we get more of the same...

Changing thinking, however, is as easy as rephrasing. If you find yourself saying ‘I can’t’, turn it around and say ‘I’ll try’.  Can’t is a massive wall that blocks any movement forward. ‘I’ll try’ shifts your mind to the possibilities. When there is possibility, there is hope and there is always a way.

Make sure you are not the one blocking yourself.  Don’t shut your own doors because there will be plenty of people along the way who will do that for you. Your responsibility to yourself- and your children- is to push open as many doors as possible, no matter how heavy they seem from a distance. You may find that as you get closer, the door is easier to open than you think.

If you think the door is impossible to open, you won’t even bother to try. But if you say to yourself, ‘I’ll try’, you’ll be amazed just how many doors will open up all by themselves, with little or no effort needed from you!

Turn your words around, turn your thinking around and the doors of life will open for you again and again. Try it for a few weeks and see what changes it brings into your life.

Tags: Mind Body Spirit

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