The Top 3 Clutter Traps to Avoid

8._Clutter_Spots.jpgThe Top 3 Clutter Traps to Avoid

 Most houses have three potential hotspots that need to be regularly de-cluttered. Here they are:

 1.       The Desk

Most people tend to accumulate paper; junk mail from the letterbox, unopened mail, bills, school notifications. Before long, you have created a paper hotspot!

 This is one of the most dangerous hotspots in the house. In order to pay your bills on time, you have to know where they are and when they are due. The same goes for your children’s school permission notes; you have to know where they are so you can get them in on time.

 Paper holds valuable information but unless you read it, you can't act. So it's critical that you clear up your paper hotspot, file all of it away and deal with each piece of paper as it arrives, one by one. Don't wait until they accumulate.

 2.       The Kitchen

Do you have packets of food that are out of date and cans that haven't been touched in years? Welcome to the average pantry. Most people tend to buy food every week without first checking what is already in their cupboards. The worst offenders keep buying even though they don't have the cupboard space and simply store things on top of the fridge or the bench.

 Kitchen benches need to be clear and clean for safe and enjoyable food preparation.

 With regard to your pantry area, do as the supermarkets do; put your new items with longer use by dates at the back of your cupboard and bring to the front things that are about to expire. This way you will never have to throw a packet of food out.

 3.       Your Bedroom

The clutter in most bedrooms is usually a mix of clothes, shoes and books. Clothes are usually the main culprit. So sort through your clothes and throw out anything you don't use or need. Same goes for your shoes. You'd be surprised how many you have that you don't actually wear.

Go to your closet and throw out broken hangers; replace them with thinner ones that take up less space so you'll be able to hang more clothes.

Tags: Organising Your Home

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