Make Drop Offs Short and Simple

4_dropping_kids_off.jpgMake Drop Offs Short & Simple

Next time you have to drop your kids off to your ex, or he comes to collect them, keep the exchange civil and polite and down to 5 minutes.

Humans tend to mirror one another. Don’t start with lots of demands or requests when you meet. You’ll get a defensive attack in return.

Instead, try to calm some of YOUR emotions beforehand. You’ll find his emotions calmer each time too.

If for some reason he starts at you, do not react. Certainly not in front of your children.

Simply tell him that you will be willing to discuss things with him at another time when the kids aren't around and that you'll drop him a line via email with your thoughts.

Whatever you do, try not to argue in front of your kids. It's stressful enough that they have to live in two different homes and do the swap each week. Let is be about them. Do it calmly and quickly. Give your children a reassuring, quick hug and say goodbye to your ex ( be polite even if he isn't).


Tags: Dealing With Your Ex

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