Take The Gloves Off

take_gloves_off.jpgTake The Gloves Off

You don't have to talk him up, but don't put him down.

Regardless of the reason for your breakup, your children will find it difficult. Ultimately, most children want their parents to stay together. Research has shown that even years later, children still desire a unified family. One of the ways you can help them deal with this is to not put your ex down.

It’s not fair to children to put them in the middle or to have them hear put downs about either parent. Usually children crave the love of both their parents and need the love of both their mother and father. They don’t want to have to choose sides or hear bad things. It just adds a huge weight to their already heavy emotional burdens.

 While you can’t control what your ex says about you, you can control what you say about him and how you behave in front of your children. Stay tight lipped and retain your dignity with them. As they grow up, they’ll appreciate you more for it. And of course, if you do need to vent, which we all do, call a friend, but preferably when your kids are not around! Doors have ears...

Tags: Dealing With Your Ex

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