Your Ex Pushing Your Buttons?

5_pushing_buttons.jpgPractice Smiling When He Pushes Your Buttons

No reaction; no argument.

Practice not reacting to those buttons he pushes in you. When he doesn’t get a reaction, he’ll have to find a different way to communicate with you, hopefully a better way.

Practice: Close your eyes and imagine him pushing one of those buttons now. Can you instantly feel your stress levels rising?

Now, start again, but this time, I want you to imagine yourself smiling and brushing the comment away. Imagine how strong and empowering you feel to see his surprise when you remain calm and don’t react in your usual way.

Practice this for 5 minutes, 3 times a day. The more you practice and experience it, the more natural your reaction will be when he next tries and the calmer your relationship will be.

Tags: Dealing With Your Ex

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